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Conversation Analysis

by Tanja Tuulikki Välisalo last modified Mar 09, 2010 12:28 PM


keha_analyysimenetelmat data collectionQualitative AnalysisQuantitative AnalysisPhenomenological AnalysisPhenomenographical AnalysisHermeneutic AnalysisSemiotic AnalysisNarrative AnalysisDiscoursive AnalysisConversation AnalysisDiscipline-Specific methodsClose Readinggrounded theoryNetwork AnalysisTypificationThematic AnalysisClassificationDescriptive Statistical Analysiscorrelation analysisCausal AnalysisTime-series Analysishe Delphi Method


Conversation and interaction analysis is a qualitative method of analysis, which focuses on detailed exploration of the conversation and interaction between two or more people. Authentic real-life conversations are the focus of conversation and interaction analysis. The method aims to explore how the conversations are structured and what kinds of mechanisms, rules and negotiations are included in conversations. Conversation and interaction analysis is close to other methods of analysis, which focus on language use and production of meanings.

If you decide to use conversation and interaction analysis you must obey strict transcription practices. Linguistically orientated conversation and interaction analysis includes various methodological and theoretical concepts and terms, which you can integrate in the analysis. Conversation analysis produces a description of the various structures of interaction.  

Read more on conversation and interaction analysis from the links below:

Antaki, Charles, 2002. An Introduction to Conversation Analysis. Loughborough University.

ten Have, Paul, 1990. Methodological Issues in Conversation Analysis. Ethno/CA News. Information on Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. University of Amsterdam.

Peräkylä, Anssi. Conversation analysis. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Online. (pdf)

Schegloff, Emanuel A. Transcript Symbols for Conversation Analysis. University of California, Los Angeles.

Goodwin, Charles, 1981. Conversational Organization: Interaction Between Speakers and Hearers. University of California, Los Angeles.

Peräkylä, Anssi, 2004. Two traditions of interaction research. Brittish Journal of Social Psychology, 2004:43, 1-20. (pdf)