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by Tanja Tuulikki Välisalo last modified Mar 08, 2010 02:43 PM


keha_tieteenfilosofiat philosophy_of_sciencerationalismempiricismrealismpositivisminterpretivismrelativismiPragmatismhermeneutiikkakonstruktivismifenomenologiainstrumentalismStructuralismPsychoanalytic TheoryPost-StructuralismDeconstructionocial ConstructionismExistentialism


Relativism stresses relativity in the formation of knowledge and the significance of the researcher’s position. Knowledge and truth are seen as being influenced by the circumstances through which the phenomenon is observed and knowledge is produced.

  • Relativism views the notion that a single truth does not exist,
  • Based on ideas on the nature of reality and knowledge,

Relativism is closely entwined with interpretivism.

Relativism forms a contrast orientation to realism.

Links to more information:

Relativism. New World Encyclopedia.

Swoyer, Chris, 2008. Relativism. Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2008 Edition).

Westacott, Emrys, 2005. Relativism. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.