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Critical Research

by Tanja Tuulikki Välisalo last modified Mar 09, 2010 02:59 PM


circle_strategies StrategiesEmpirical ResearchTheoretical ResearchMultimethod ResearchQuantitative ResearchQualitative ResearchCase StudyCross-sectional StudyLongitudinal ResearchComparative ResearchHistorical ResearchEthnographic ResearchHermeneutic ResearchNarrative ResearchPhenomenological ResearchDiscursive ApproachesCritical ResearchAction ResearchSurvey ResearchExperimental Research


Critical research has its own traditions and history in western scientific discussion. These traditions have followed the current critical and emancipative points of view of each society and culture. Critical research enables you to question and be critical of those processes and structures, in which the researched phenomenon exists and occurs.

The starting point of your strategy is the production and maintenance of equitable and better structures and systems. Your aims will focus on the primary structures of the phenomenon and the meanings originating from these structures.

Read more on critical research from the links below:

Bohman, James, 2009. Critical Theory. Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2009 Edition).

Critical Theory. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

Felluga, Dino, 2003. Introductory Guide to Critical Theory. Purdue University.