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Discursive Approaches

by Tanja Tuulikki Välisalo last modified Mar 09, 2010 03:32 PM


circle_strategies StrategiesEmpirical ResearchTheoretical ResearchMultimethod ResearchQuantitative ResearchQualitative ResearchCase StudyCross-sectional StudyLongitudinal ResearchComparative ResearchHistorical ResearchEthnographic ResearchHermeneutic ResearchNarrative ResearchPhenomenological ResearchDiscursive ApproachesCritical ResearchAction ResearchSurvey ResearchExperimental Research


The notion of discourse is ambiguous because the concept, depending on the discipline and situation, has various meanings. Discourse, in general, refers to the use of language as a part of a social practice. Discourse may also refer to established ways of constructing the meanings of phenomena, knowledge and reality, and the networks linking them. The basis of the approach is the emphasis of the construction of knowledge and reality through language and other semiotic systems. A discursive approach enables you to explore the construction of meanings in human interaction. The starting point in your research is that the researched phenomenon may have different meanings for people in diverse situations. The aim of your research is, therefore, to explain and analyze these various meanings. The focus of your strategy may vary from micro-level analysis of language use to the macro-level exploration of social practices and processes and experiences of individuals. You can use any of the choice of qualitative methods of analysis suitable for language and cultural studies.

Read more on discourse research from the links below:

Taylor, Stephanie, 2001. Locating and Conducting Discourse Analytic Research. Wetherell, Margaret, Taylor, Stephanie and J. Yates, Simeon (eds.). Discourse as Data. A Guide for Analysis. SAGE.

Read what is written in Data Analysis on discourse analysis.