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Elbow: Phenomenology of Freewriting (sis)

by Risto Tapani Niemi-Pynttäri last modified Sep 12, 2016 08:29 AM
teoksessa Peter Elbow: Everyone can write (2000)

Peter Elbow: Everyone Can Write

Essays Toward a Hopeful Theory

of Writing and Teaching Writing (2000)
(Ebrary, Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjaston e-tietokannassa)



113 - 135

In this chapter, then, let me try to tell why freewriting is not just a handydandy

tool but something at the center of what I do as a writer and a teacher.

I started out writing a considerably different chapter, more impersonal and

analytic. It got soggy and I gradually sensed I should focus on how I use and

experience freewriting

Freewriting Without Knowing It:

Desperation Journal Writing

Freewriting as Incoherent

Freewriting for Unfocused Exploring

Freewriting as Sociable

The Difference Between Private and

Public Freewriting

Using Freewriting to Write Responses

or Feedback

Freewriting about Freewriting

Process Writing When I'm Stuck:

Articulating Resistance

Heightened Intensity

A Kind of Goodness in Writing

Relinquishing Control—Not Striving

for Mastery

Dwelling In and Popping Out

A Different Relationship to Writing

In conclusion then, freewriting has gradually given me a profoundly different

experience of and relationship to writing. Where writing used to be the exercise

of greater than usual care and control (especially in comparison to speaking),

freewriting has led me to experience writing in addition as an arena of

less than usual care and control: writing as an arena for putting down words

and thoughts in a deeply unbuttoned way. And when I make progress toward

something "higher" in writing—toward clarity of thinking or effectiveness of

language or toward meta-awareness—I experience this progress as rooted in

freewriting, the "lowest" of writing activities.